All about oral

Come on an oral health journey with me, your favorite dental nerd! (Did you think I was going to talk about something else???)

If you know me, you know I’m passionate about natural self-care. After college, I studied yogic lifestyle and Ayurveda, the traditional Hindu system of medicine, which is based on the idea of balance in bodily systems and uses diet, herbal treatment, and yogic breathing. The term Ayurveda is derived from the Sanskrit words ayur (life) and veda (science or knowledge). Thus, Ayurveda translates to knowledge of life.

Learning to love and care for my body has been a lifelong journey! I loved incorporating everything that I learned through Ayurveda into ritualized self-care. As someone who has invested decades of my time and tens of thousands of dollars into my mouth, I’m passionate about maintaining my oral health. I want my mouth to look good, taste good and feel fabulous! You can thank my expensive mouth for getting me into this line of work. (This is a great story that I’d be happy to regale you on a date!)

I’m assuming you already know to brush and floss your teeth and visit your dentist for regular cleanings. (Right??) Preventing and treating any decay in your mouth is crucial for your health and breath.

How to have a really delightful mouth that is kissably fresh:

  1. Eat your fruits and veggies! Food choices impact your oral health and breath. Incorporating fresh fruits and vegetables is one of the best things you can do for not just your oral health, but your overall health and longevity. Folks who eat lots of processed foods, meat, and soda smell different. And I don’t just mean your mouth!

  2. Drink water! Sugars and acids in soda, coffee, alcohol and juice all break down and give you a stinky mouth. Proper hydration also keeps your gums and tongue healthy.

  3. Use a tongue scraper! Brushing your teeth only cleans your teeth. Tongue scraping is a fast way to remove bacteria and dead cells — including the ones that cause bad breath — from the surface of your tongue. I do it when I wake up in the morning and after I brush my teeth at night. I love my Dr. Tung’s scraper! If you’re going to change one thing about your dental routine, add in a tongue scraper. Your mouth and lovers will thank you!

  4. Use a mouthwash that treats bad breath instead of just covering it up. Don’t forget to gargle it in your throat — A major source of bad breath. My favorite is TheraBreath Mild Mint. If you’re a smoker, I recommend TheraBreath PLUS.

If you ever want to nerd out on a date with me about oral health, I will share stories, my favorite products and you’ll see the passionate sparkle in my eyes!

I also LOVE going to the dentist. Like it turns me on so much. Hands in my mouth, telling me what to do, using power too . . . It’s my current favorite power dynamic. Maybe I should write some dental erotica for an upcoming newsletter?

I’ll take that as a yes!

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